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- Bathing in Pesticides?
Bathing in Pesticides?
If you don't think what's in your water matters, think again...
A few years back we got introduced to a luxury skin care company, where we learned that the biggest organ in your body is…
You guessed it: Your skin.
We lived in a very dry climate (Colorado) and it always seemed like we needed lotion because our skin was so dry and itchy. It was annoying!
Our solution? Lotion.
We never thought that we might not be dealing with the main cause of the problem…
Until we learned about what’s in most city water sources:
Chlorine (causing itchiness), Pesticides & Pharmaceuticals (both linked to hormone disruption), Heavy Metals (linked to neurological disorders and organ damage), Microplastics (disrupt endocrine system) and the list goes on.
And since we like to test things out, we decided to go down the rabbit hole of water filtration systems.
Now as you’ve probably realized, we aren’t scientists. But we did want to see if we could notice a tangible difference using a water filter (a shower filter to be specific).
After we tested our first one (Aquasana) we were hooked. There was a noticeable difference in how we felt after taking a hot shower, especially in the wintertime.
Have we done a before and after test of whats in the water versus what’s NOT when using a shower filter? No, we haven’t just yet. But that sounds like a fun at home science experiment with Riser & Haven (thanks for the suggestion).
All we know is that I (Brian) and the kids virtually stopped needing lotion altogether.
Almost no itchy skin!
Sarah has definitely reduced the amount of lotion she’d normally use, too.
Over the years, we’ve tested numerous different systems. The Aquasana product was good, but the filter head always seemed to leak.
Because of that, we’ve now been using the AquaBliss system (no affiliate link).
It’s a simple install (if you’re a simple guy like me) and we replace it every 4-6 months on average.
Right now it’s less than $40 on Amazon…
Worth checking out if you care about getting rid of some of the potentially nasty stuff in your water as mentioned above.
Do your own research, as this doesn’t remove EVERYTHING in your water, but it sure seems like a good start.

Some skeptics will say that hot water reduces the effectiveness of a shower filter. And from what we gather, there’s probably truth in that. The AquaBliss is highly rated for working well despite the hot water.
Although we are considering getting a whole house filter (if you have one, we’d love your recommendation).
So…if you’d like to take better care of the biggest organ in your body, reduce potentially negative health effects and itchiness of you and your family’s skin…
Check out the AquaBliss or others like it. We think you’ll be glad you did!
Until next time, own what matters : )
Brian, Sarah, Riser & Haven
P.S. If you don’t have an emergency fund with 6 months of living expenses saved…OR a separate account set up to acquire assets…we recommend you don’t buy what we just reviewed. Instead, reply with the phrase “budgeting sucks” and we will get you access to a powerful app that allows you to put your cash flow on autopilot.
P.P.S. If you haven’t answered life’s most important question, anything else we talk about is irrelevant. So consider watching a few minutes or more of this: https://youtu.be/E7t9U1H0t1U

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