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- Learn This Game (With Your Kids)
Learn This Game (With Your Kids)
Ever wonder why the school system doesn’t teach kids about money?
Yeah, us too.
Regardless of the true reasons why it isn’t taught, the reality is…
It isn’t taught.
So we can either complain about it…or we can do something about it.
After all, if our kids never learn the rules of the money, how can they possibly win the game?
Just look around to see that most people are playing the game backwards.
And the reality is…it’s not their fault.
Trying to win a game of basketball, playing by the rules of golf, simply isn’t a winning formula.
Go back in time with me to the year 2007.
Sarah and I were introduced to entrepreneurship and had mentors who instantly recommended several books to us.
One of the top books is one you’ve probably heard of:
“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki
I distinctly remember sitting in Sarah’s mom’s living room while Sarah explained one of the key concepts:
If you want to buy something, buy assets first, then let the cash flow from those assets pay for your liabilities (the stuff you want that doesn’t make you money).
I replied, “So if you want something, just figure out how to make more money so you can pay for it?”
(Insert laughing face emoji here)
Someone might as well have been explaining all of this to me in Japanese.
But then we purchased the “Rich Dad CashFlow 101” board game and got together with several growth-minded friends to play it.
7 hours later, it began to click.
We had been going about the actual money game the wrong way.
We were taught to work hard for money. People who are financially free learn to also have their money work hard for them.
Warren Buffet famously said “If you don’t figure out a way to make money while you sleep, you’ll work until you die.”
Mom. Dad. Teachers. Coaches…could ya have given us the heads up on this deal?
To be fair, I get it. It’s hard for someone to teach you something they don’t know.
(Just keeping it real)
So when we became parents, we decided to purchase the kids version of the game.
As a matter of fact, it’s been sitting in our closet for at least 5 years…
Just waiting for the right time to break it out and play with our kids.
So recently, we did just that.

Action photo from our very first game (it took about 45 mins to finish)
We weren’t sure if they would understand the game (or even like it).
Turns out it’s a hit.
For example, the other night the kids had some friends over to play. Without suggestion, our son Riser went and brought down the game to play “Cash Flow For Kids.”
We played. He won.
During the game he told us that he and Haven also played it with their babysitter last week (we had no idea).
Why is this game important to our family?
It’s important because the lack of money and low financial IQ has been a source of pain and limitation in our family lineage.
We are determined to put an end to that trend.
Motivational speaker Les Brown once said, “Money isn’t everything, but it’s right up there with oxygen.”
We want our kids to learn how to work hard for money but also learn how to put their money to work for them, so they can focus on things that matter the most…
And so they don’t have to experience avoidable pitfalls.
Plus, we want them to associate learning with something that’s fun…
But more importantly…RELEVANT.
That’s why we do our best to connect what they learn to real world application and reward.
This might sound kind of crazy, but both Riser and Haven actually get a monthly distribution check from investments they’ve made - using profits from their lawn mowing business.
Ya know, stuff we wish we knew and were doing at age 4 and 7 😉
So let us ask you:
Are you a parent who wants their kid to have a better life than you?
Teach a man to fish, don’t just give him one.
Consider buying “Cash Flow For Kids” (no affiliate link) and have fun playing a game that’s relevant to their real world success.
Until then, own what matters : )
Brian, Sarah, Riser & Haven
P.S. If you haven’t answered life’s most important question, anything else we talk about is irrelevant. So consider watching a few minutes or more of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=11&v=E7t9U1H0t1U&feature=youtu.be

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